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Sixty years after the Holocaust, a new brand of anti-Semitism has reared its ugly head again in Europe. It has the same purpose, but a different face. It is directly connected to radical Muslim beliefs and actions that have spread from the Middle East to Europe. Anti-Semitism has surfaced on university campuses, in the media, on the streets, at political demonstrations, on the internet and in seemingly innocent social situations. Jews from all walks of life in six different European countries tell of being attacked in their neighborhoods, of cemeteries desecrated, of synagogues burned, of being ostracized at work. Young and old describe their fears and their plans for the future. Many wonder if they should uproot their families, leave their homes and businesses to seek safer havens in either Israel or the United States. The viewer has to ask, “If it were the l930’s and I was hearing stories of what was happening in Germany, what would I do?”
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